Ginger, Dreamer and Mindset and Strategy Coach

helping both business owners and individuals test the boundaries you have within yourself so you can achieve anything and everything you could dream of.

My name is Trina Parnell and I’m a Professional Business Consultant and Mindset and Strategy Coach. I work with both individuals and businesses to recognize their existing patterns and create new pathways to promote both personal and professional growth.

Since the age of 21 I have been managing people and businesses. I have built an eclectic portfolio with various titles including General Manager, Marketing Director, Event Planner, Project Manager, Graphic Designer and more. My wide range of experiences grants me a unique perspective that allows me to understand how all the pieces fit together and create operational systems that are geared towards customer satisfaction and business growth – as well as how to work with and motivate a team.

Thing's I'm Proud of:

  • Overcame my depression, anxiety and PTSD using a mindset approach
  • Hired as a DCA Coach for Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy Program
  • Intentionally rewired my attachment styles to help me establish healthy relationships 
  • Accumulated over 1,300 hours of training with Tony Robbins and now serve as a Senior Leader with Tony Robbins International.


Trina helps you set a goal for yourself and gives you tools to create a mindset and approach to achieve it. She’s so attentive and has a wealth of tools to help you get to the next place, whether that’s confidence or a clear, tangible strategy. You’re literally the definition of over delivering on immense value. I loved that you were completely real with your own past & current experiences, using it all to help me improve. I’m forever grateful for our experience together!


Lauren Mudrock

You will never achieve more than what you believe you are worth

together we will uncover and test the boundaries you have within yourself so you can achieve anything and everything you could
ever dream of.

I Believe...

Your life is a direct reflection of what you believe you are worthy of

Your greatest source of suffering has the potential to be your greatest source of power

If you can dream it… you can do it

(I stole that one from Walt Disney)

Things I do for fun

  • Adventure with my Golden Retriever Gidgiit
  • Write / Journal
  • Cold plunges
  • Spa days
  • Challenge myself every chance I get